What stock exchange is Apple Hospitality REIT common stock traded on and what is its ticker symbol?
Apple Hospitality REIT common stock is currently traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol APLE.
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How do I invest in Apple Hospitality REIT common stock?
Apple Hospitality REIT stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker or other entity that offers brokerage services. Apple Hospitality REIT does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.
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Does Apple Hospitality REIT pay a distribution on its common stock?
You can see the Company’s historical dividends here. While the Company currently expects monthly distributions to continue, each distribution is subject to approval by the Company’s Board of Directors. The Company’s Board of Directors, in consultation with management, will continue to monitor the Company’s distribution rate and timing relative to the performance of its hotels, capital improvement needs, varying economic cycles, acquisitions, dispositions, other cash requirements and the Company’s REIT status for federal income tax purposes, and may make adjustments as it deems appropriate.
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Does Apple Hospitality REIT have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?
Apple Hospitality REIT does not currently offer a dividend reinvestment plan.
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Who serves as the registrar and transfer agent for Apple Hospitality REIT?
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC ("EQ") is the registrar and transfer agent for Apple Hospitality REIT common stock. The toll-free phone number for EQ is 1-800-937-5449. Please visit www.equiniti.com for more information.
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What is a transfer agent?
A transfer agent is a professional agency employed by a corporation to handle the transfer of stock certificates, conversion of securities, mailings to stockholders, stock subscriptions and maintaining the stock transfer records of a corporation.
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How do I find out if I am a registered shareholder?
Please check with the transfer agent.Info below:Equiniti Trust Company, LLC ("EQ")1-800-937-5449www.equiniti.com
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What is Apple Hospitality REIT’s fiscal year?
Apple Hospitality REIT uses a fiscal year that aligns with the calendar year, ending on December 31st.
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What is Apple Hospitality REIT’s CUSIP number?
03784Y 200
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How can I obtain copies of financial information for Apple Hospitality REIT?
Most of Apple Hospitality REIT reports and financial filings can be retrieved from the News Releases, Financial Reports or SEC Filings sections of this website. They can also be accessed via the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) website at www.sec.gov.
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When did Apple Hospitality REIT start trading on an exchange?
Apple Hospitality REIT began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on May 18, 2015.
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Has Apple Hospitality REIT ever had a stock split?
Apple Hospitality REIT implemented a 50% reverse share split immediately prior to the listing of Apple Hospitality REIT’s common shares on the New York Stock Exchange on May 18, 2015.
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Does Apple Hospitality REIT have a formal Code of Business Conduct and Ethics?
Apple Hospitality REIT Code of Business Conduct and Ethics covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics does not cover every issue that may arise, but sets out basic principles to guide all employees and its subsidiaries. All employees must conduct themselves accordingly and seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behavior. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics can be viewed on the Governance Documents page under Corporate Governance.
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Who are Apple Hospitality REIT’s auditors?
KPMG LLP currently serves as Apple Hospitality REIT's independent public accounting firm.
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Who provides outside corporate council for Apple Hospitality REIT?
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What does the term "record date" mean?
A record date is a company-determined deadline by which an investor must be recorded as an owner of shares in order to qualify for distributions and voting and attendance at the Annual Meeting.
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Can I buy stock directly from Apple Hospitality REIT or do I have to use a broker?
Stock cannot be purchased directly from Apple Hospitality REIT. Investors must use a stockbroker or other entity that offers brokerage services to complete a transaction. Apple Hospitality REIT is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol APLE.
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How do I contact Apple Hospitality REIT Investor Relations?
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How can I obtain recent research reports on the Company?
Research reports should be obtained through your stockbroker or through a financial institution that provides brokerage services.
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